Viewing Category: writing job postings
March 1st, 2022 Recruiting in tough times: A conversation with HR thought leader Steve BrowneMatt Adam, Chief Talent Strategist recently interviewed Steve Browne, SHRM-SCP. Read the highlights of their conversation about the current recruitment landscape, new recruitment tactics employed by LaRosa’s Pizzeria, and Steve’s recent work as an HR Author.
November 19th, 2021 Finding the right people for the right jobs right now: NAS Talent Acquisition & Hiring OutlookThe hiring lull of 2020 has been officially replaced by the hiring frenzy of 2021, forcing HR and TA leaders to scramble to fill positions. Clearly, your challenge is to hire and then retain the right candidates right now in this very competitive market. Read this blog to learn more about what you can control as a TA/HR leader.
November 3rd, 2016 4 easy tips to build the perfect postingAccording to a recent Pew Research Center survey, roughly one-third of Americans have looked for a new job in the last two years, and 79% of these job seekers utilized online resources in their most recent search for employment. No matter the particular source (company web site, job board) or sequence of activity (google search,